Integrated Border Management


Project Description

Regional Integrated Border Management Project in Western Balkan and Turkey, funded by the EC

IT consultancy for Customs Component, Automated Data Processing Systems

Beneficiary/ Beneficiaries Albanian Customs Administration, Indirect Tax Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Customs Administration of Croatia, Macedonian Customs Administration, Montenegrin Customs Administration, Customs Administration of Serbia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99) Customs Service, Turkish Customs Administration.
Description Detailed

The overall objective of the project “Strengthening Integrated Border Management in the Western Balkans and Turkey” is to enhance the development of functional, effective and integrated systems of border management in the Western Balkans and Turkey through the enhancement of inter-agency, bilateral and regional cooperation and coordination. The specific objectives are:

  1. to facilitate the establishment of open, but well-controlled and secure borders in the Western Balkan States and Turkey, as well as between these countries and EUMS and other international actors; and

  2. to establish more effective management of borders at the national and regional level through the support of relevant services involved.

  • Provision of technical support for continuing SEED activities (secure Systematic Electronic Exchange of Data) amongst main Beneficiaries - Customs Administrations in the Western Balkan Region and Turkey:
  • Operational activities on improvement of existing data exchange systems (customs administrations).
  • Presentation and examining the possibilities for inclusion of Croatia and Turkey in SEED concept.

Present SEED concept to other border agencies: border police, phytosanitary & veterinary inspections.

Project Details

  • LocationAlbania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99)
  • Main Contractor/ PartnerEuropean Patent Office, Munich, GermanyInternational Office for Migration (IOM) and Italian Customs Agency
  • TimelineNovember 2009 – April 2010
  • StatusFinished